Education Abroad is a highly preferred means for acquiring the best possible higher education in any cherished academic or professional stream; for expanding employment opportunities in countries worldwide; for making one's career utmost lavish and illustrious; enriching one's professional or social status; for learning foreign languages and cultures; and widening one's professional and social contacts. Hence, education abroad, is now hugely popular by students and scholars of the world over, irrespective of the educational or professional disciplines they are connected with. Today, the most famous and popular destinations for education abroad by students, scholars, and professionals located in countries worldwide, are USA, Canada, UK, France, Singapore, Germany, Australia, India, New Zealand, Denmark, South Africa, Malaysia, Sweden, Russia, Norway, and many other European and Asian countries. The most of the Universities in these globally renowned destinations for abroad studies, also offer a variety of scholarships, grants, and financial aids, to facilitate higher education in respective country, by students and professionals of the world over. Hence, higher education abroad, is now no longer a matter of extreme financial or professional resourcefulness and opulence, or extensive social or international contacts. More information about study in abroad, is being provided in the lower section, with special reference to the Indian students and professionals.
Indian Students Education Abroad Study
Indian students, scholars, and professionals related with various educational and professional disciplines and fields, form a considerably large part of the total people occupied in studying abroad, from countries worldwide. The most of the above-mentioned countries have been the most popular and highly preferred destinations for education abroad for indian students and professionals. A rich and very productive gamut of information regarding the 'education abroad from india', is provided in this section exclusively.
The majority of the most globally reputed universities for superlative higher education in a rather wide range of educational, professional, service, and commercial subjects or disciplines, are located in above-noted countries. These universities offer a variety of education abroad programs to global students, including the main formats or categories of Full degree graduate and postgraduate programs, intensive language programs, academic year and semester programs, internship programs, summer programs, teach abroad programs, intersession programs, etc., to meet excellently the varying requirements, objectives, and goals of the concerned students and scholars.
To encourage and promote intelligent, ambitious, and innovative students and scholars of deprived backgrounds, most of the globally prestigious universities in these countries offer an array of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and financial aids to these students, which are based on merit, distinction, consistent admirable performances, and some creative and noble professional or research initiatives. The most prominent among these financial support and scholarships in the world over are - The Marshall Scholarships, Miss America Scholarship, and AFLSE Scholarships of USA; the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, The Royal Society Fellowships, Churchill Scholarships, and the Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme of United Kingdom; and the Commonwealth Education Costs Scholarships, and Commonwealth Accommodation Scholarships of Australia.